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Located at 3 km from Mont-Louis, the campsite takes place on the border of the river Têt, in the heart of a national forest, closed to the Bouillouses Lake area. At 100 m from the departure of shuttles to the lake (in summer), many hikes and mountain bikes paths are directly approachable from the campsite.
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST + (Elec included / CLOSE RIVER)
Period of stay : From 13/09/2024 to 15/09/2024
Type of stay : Couple
Accommodation : Lodge NOMADE 2 Bedrooms 27 m2 (Kitchen / Bathroom / WC / Terrace) ***VUE RIVIERE***
Period of stay : From 08/09/2024 to 11/09/2024
The establishment
Everything. From the unique location and the carefully placed lodges, through calm and nature to very tasteful and functional equipment of the accommodations. We enjoyed our stay and will surely be back. The food box offered really great pizzas
Nothing really. It was a bit cold at night but we knew that coming in🙏 Maybe to have the option to stay in the tiny house with a dog but we understand they are super new.
Accommodation review
The setup and location, the terrace and its view and oh my god the shower. That was a religious experience. What a wonderful stay!
Accommodation was great, we had all we needed.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with teenager(s)
Accommodation : pitch NATURE + (sans elec / CLOSE RIVER)
Period of stay : From 06/09/2024 to 08/09/2024
The establishment
Fa molts anys que anem al camping i ens encanta la seva ubicació i que sigui tan natural
Tot i que trobo que està molt ben pensat el glamping i les Tini house al lloc on s’han, no en posaria mes, a risc de perdre l’essencia del camping
Accommodation review
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST (elec included)
Period of stay : From 30/08/2024 to 06/09/2024
The establishment
La tranquil.litat, el bosc on està ubicat i l'atenció de la recepció.
Fa anys que anem al camping de Pla de Barrés i hem trobat a faltar la sala de lectura i jocs de taula. Allà els campistes podiem parlar entre nosaltres i anar-hi si plovia. Ens agradava l'aire a refugi de muntanya, ara és més modern, però ha perdut encant.
Accommodation review
Tot molt bé
Hem vist que estan tallant arbres, esperem que respectin el bosc i no facin lloc per a més bungalows.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : TINY HOUSE Adventure (2 Bedrooms)***In the wood*** New 2024 !!!
Period of stay : From 30/08/2024 to 04/09/2024
The establishment
Hem passat uns dies fantàstics en família al càmping le petit Canadà. Entorn immillorable, situació excel·lent per poder conèixer el territori, i estança Perfecte! Tornarem!!
Accommodation review
Estança molt neta i còmode. Tot I ser un espai reduït està molt ben aprofitat iels més petits s'ho han posat d'allò més bé.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST (elec included)
Period of stay : From 05/08/2024 to 11/08/2024
The establishment
Un camping muy bonito con paisajes increíbles y excursiones fáciles para ir con niños.
Más productos en el supermercado
Accommodation review
Sin duda repetiremos, por que nos ha encantado el sitio
La comunicación y información requerida antes de la llegada. Y que en recepción solo hablaran francés y español o inglés muy básico
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Lodge NOMADE 2 Bedrooms 27 m2 (Kitchen / Bathroom / WC / Terrace) ***VUE RIVIERE***
Period of stay : From 03/08/2024 to 10/08/2024
The establishment
Una meravella de càmping enmig de la natura, amb el riu preciós al costat. Ubicació impressionant, els ecolodge una passada! Preciosos, fets amb molt de gust. Les activitats de pilates i ioga molt bé amb un entorn privilegiat.
Accommodation review
Impressionant, molt i molt bonic, molt còmode, fet amb molt de gust. El porxo una passada, molt gran i còmode. La dutxa fantàstica, molt gran i agradable. Et porten el pa i croissants a casa al matí!
La cuina té de tot, només li faltaria unes pinces de cuinar. Per les nits fredes es podria valorar tenir una estufa de llenya a dins. Potser es podria posar algun endoll més a la zona de l'habitació o del menjador.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST (elec included)
Period of stay : From 08/08/2024 to 12/08/2024
The establishment
The setting was exactly what we were looking for and we were lucky to have great weather to enjoy it. Please dont massify the place and change it so much. Its lovely as it is. Amazing for our dog the freedom he had there.
I was dissapointed to have been told before booking that i couldnt put my caravan on a pitch by the river in August. As when there i saw 3 caravans on pitches looking at the river and a huge furgoneta the size of a motorhome. You should treat all your customers the same. If its not allowed, then it should not be allowed for anyone, not just s special few.
Accommodation review
It was much larger than i imagined with sun and shade. We were very happy with the pitch.
That we couldnt stay longer. We asked various times in reception to add on for 2 more nights but they just kept saying no. We would have loved extra days.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with teenager(s)
Accommodation : Natural area (only tent / van, NO Elec)
Period of stay : From 02/08/2024 to 09/08/2024
The establishment
Importante para mí es que no se haga inguna objeción al comportamiento de mi perro ententiendo que siempre está observado y corregido. En los temas habituales de amabilidad, limpieza, prontitud y respeto, un SÚPER IMPECABLE.
Accommodation review
Tranquilidad maravillosa en la zona natural.
El tema electricidad me molestó un poquito, porque yo no tenía derecho a toma de corriente y, aunque la pedí, se me negó cualquier posibilidad. Por el contrario, enfrente de mí hubo una VW California color naranja con remolque que se conectó irregularmente (estaba en zona natural) y sí que se le ofreció un enchufe múltiple, para no "perjudicarle" cuando el titular del enchufe lo reclamó. Anécdotico, pero molesto.
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : pitch NATURE + (sans elec / CLOSE RIVER)
Period of stay : From 29/07/2024 to 01/08/2024
The establishment
I loved the river; its sound flowing, its fresh water and the wild lives around it.
I'd like an area for campers' maintenance
Accommodation review
It was beautiful, even without power. We were cclose to the river and it was so lovely
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with baby(ies)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST (elec included)
Period of stay : From 26/07/2024 to 28/07/2024
The establishment
Ens ha encantat el càmping, ideal per anar amb nens, tens el riu al costat i és de molt fàcil accés, repetirem segur!
Accommodation review
Hi ha molta ombra sota els pins
Al ser en mig del bosc Hi han caros desnivells i arrels que dificulten el caminar
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch Caravaning (elec included)
Period of stay : From 26/07/2024 to 28/07/2024
Type of stay : Couple
Accommodation : Pitch Caravaning (elec included)
Period of stay : From 25/07/2024 to 28/07/2024
The establishment
Muy Buena ubicacion. Personal muy agradable. Parcelas correctas
Baños sucios. Pocos baños por el número de parcelas que hay
Accommodation review
Parcelas grandes
Cables alta tension justo en mi parcela. No sombra
Detailed review
Type of stay : Family with child(ren)
Accommodation : Pitch FOREST + (Elec included / CLOSE RIVER)
Period of stay : From 09/07/2024 to 14/07/2024
The establishment
Hem gaudit de l’entorn natural, el camping es molt tranquil i et permet desconectar completament
Els WC i dutxes i rentaplats junts. Faltaria intimitat almenys per els wc’s. Separar els serveis.
Accommodation review
Fantastic, un 10!
Detailed review
Type of stay : With friends
Accommodation : Lodge NOMADE 3 Bedrooms 38m2 (Kitchen/ Bathroom / WC / Terrace)***VUE RIVIERE***
Period of stay : From 22/06/2024 to 25/06/2024
The establishment
estuvimos tres dias y tres noches desde la recepcion hasta el ultimo segundo, la estancia ha sido magnifica, el camping respira tranquilidad en un entorno incomparable
un aspecto a mejorar la instalacion de papeleras, con perros es inprecindible para no acarrear con la bolsita de excrementos toda el paseo, al final lastimosamente acaban abandonadas en el bosque y es una pena, una papelera en el puente de salida lo evitaria
Accommodation review
muy bien diseñado, el baño espectacular
si en las habitaciones del fondo la madera que aisla de la lona fuera mas alta el aislamiento del frio seria mas eficiente
Detailed review
Address :
RD 60 - Route des Bouillouses
66210 La Llagonne
Occitania - France
GPS coordinates :
Latitude : 42.5193879999868
Longitude : 2.09671591531214
Currently no availability